Vivian Chow's concert sponsorships

Vivian Chow is back on stage and her concert is on. Who is the title sponsor ? Goodway Lighting. They have posted a fair quantity of posters at MTR and KCR stations and leveraged the concert to promote their new eye-protecting energy-saving light bulbs. What does light bulb have to do with concert ? I have no idea at all.

Then here comes Giormani Sofa. The co-sponsor who wants to have a share of the association. A brand of sofa to associate with a concert ?

In sponsorship we always try to own the event. If we are the title or major sponsor, we need to prevent other sponsors from attempting to share the association. If we don't have the money to own it completely, simply don't go into it. In this case of Vivian Chow's concert, who have benefited most ? The concert organizer. The key visual of the concert is everywhere, thanks to the sponsors who try to compete for associations.


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