D-Link movie promotion ad

D-Link, is it a well-known brand for wireless router ? Not really. They claim they are the best selling wireless router brand. Do you know/believe that ? Well, if it is No.1, we must know it. Anyway, let's talk about movie sponsorship. The usual mechanics : a joint ad that promotes both the movie and the product/brand plus some tickets to give away for consumer promotion. In the past it might be a good way of promotion. Now that there are way too many movie sponsorship arrangements like this. So let's not kid ourselves that this kind of sponsorship will uplift our brand image and awareness. Look, we are overloading a single page ad space too : the movie, the product and promotion messages. Will readers read them all ? Probably not. Who will enjoy the benefits more through this so called joint promotion/sponsorship ? The movie promoter/publisher !


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