Kawai and Kyushin anti-counterfeit ad

If you are the marketer of a popular brand, you would agree with me that counterfeit products are annoying. Consumers are confused, complaints keep coming in and you don't get the sales you deserve. Come to think of it in a positive way, if your brand is not popular, no one would bother to imitate it. So I suspect Kawai and Kyushin must be good sellers. How to combat against counterfeits ? First selective distribution to reliable outlets with trade incentives. Second consumer education. These are what P&G is practicing too. It can't be wrong but it takes investments of A&P and human resources. Where to get the monies to do all these ? From the profit equation of the company ? No kidding. If I were the owner of a popular brand or the market leader, I would consider it seriously to charge it to the consumers by raising the price. So the ultimate victim of counterfeit is still the consumer. Isn't it sad to be a consumer ?


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