Some quotes about Positioning

Positioning, the 5th P that ties the other Ps together. Enjoy these quotes.

How can we use one message to communicate to multiple buyers? Obviously we cannot. We'll need different articulations of our message that resonate with each buyer type. -- Steve Johnson, Pragmatic Marketing

The best positioning is put in the context of solving a problem for a specific buyer. That means that there are multiple positioning documents, each conveying product value in terms that resonate with the specific buyer.-- Steve Johnson, Pragmatic Marketing

"I think the most significant format feature in a commercial is that it's about one thing. It's about selling one idea. -- Sam Gibbons, Sesame Street producer quoted in The Tipping Point

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind." - Winston Churchill

The purpose of the positioning statement is to be borne in mind and conformed to in everything you say and do. And it should not be forgotten that as in everything else in life, it may be a position you aspire to, as opposed to one you actually have. -- Drayton Bird

Positioning should be expressed through a short simple statement. It should not be confused with a slogan, though if the positioning and the slogan can be the same, wonderful. -- Drayton Bird


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