Simmons Beautyrest mattress

Great campaign idea can be run years after years. Simmons Beautyrest is famous for one and only one thing, its individual pocketed springs. This design has been patented and has become what the brand stands for, for decades. I don't know whether younger readers can recall but there was a TVC of demonstrating how it works years ago : a bowling ball dropped onto the matteress while the bowling pins stay still, exactly the same idea as this print ad. Since then, bowling ball + bowling pins has been re-used again and again and built as the mnemonic device to make consumers remember the benefit. Some marketers, and particularly most agencies, would say this call this boring, no new news, no creative breakthrough. Are there better ways to demonstrate the benefit ? There must be. But great idea is hard to find and if you have one, hold onto it and don't be shy using it again and again to achieve the power of consistency.


Anonymous said…
The TVC burned some messages into my mind, a creative TVC, undoubtedly. But I can't recall the brand name of it.

How come? perhaps I am exceptional!

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