Lucosade Circle-K promotion

Lucosade runs a promotion with curry fish ball and Shaomai at Circle-K. It sounds strange. The positioning of Lucosade is pretty clear. A drink for mental performance. With this positioning, how do we come up with some sales promotions to build the brand and drive sales at the same time ? Not really that easy. Say if we are to give away some premiums that go in line with the mental performance positioning, we can think of stuff like IQ puzzles. You are lucky if you can find some funny and attractive IQ puzzles, consumers will love it and probably you can really drive sales. But you just can't give away IQ puzzles all the time. Are there any other premium ideas ? It's not easy, is it ? When sales pressure is on, promotion with curry fish ball and Shaomai is still alright. Sounds unrelated but at least it doesn't hurt the image of the brand.


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