Kozan Sabou bottld green tea

The bottled green tea market is pretty saturated with different brands and varieties. Strange that we still see new brand launches. Isn't that too late ? Brewed from green tea leaves of 500-year-old ancient tea trees, grown at 1,600- meter elevation mountain, no additive, no flavouring ... are these USPs appealing enough to stand out from the crowd ? Another interesting thing is its disguises as a product from Japan. Some Japanese descriptions and words are added to make it sound Japanese but I bet it must be from China. In a way, it's a good calculation with all these USPs and disguises added up. However, the chance of success is low. The green tea market is coming down from the peak. It's all too late. When a market is mature and about to decline, only a few established brands, like 道地 in this case, will remain. It would be way too difficult for a new brand to survive while consumers are starting to leave the category.


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