Wing On print ad

Heard from one of my friends that Wing On would have a series of initiatives to rejuvenate its store image. After a while I saw this print ad. Looks like it's trying to work on its ready-to-wear offering to attract more customers and hence improve its image. The ad is not appealing at all and it reminds me of those James Bond movies from the 80's. Tried to check out what's new actually on its website. It is still carrying same sort of aged lower-end grocer's image. Department store is about lifestyle and Sogo, Seiyu and Jusco are Japanese lifestyles targeting different clienteles. What kind of lifestyle people look for when visiting Wing On ? Guess it needs to sort that out before launching any marketing campaigns. The trouble is that department store business has been shrinking over the years and it is no longer a good investment. Maybe it should stay where it is and invest in something else.


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