
Dove, is it a body wash or a shampoo ? You must say it's both. But the point is whether consumers recognize or believe it's both and buy both of its shampoo and body wash. Orginally, Dove was started up as a body wash with a very focused positioning : containing 1/4 moisturising cream. After it has had a foothold in the body wash category, it was extended to shampoo. Here is the problem : as P&G has so many shampoo brands, how does Unilever position Dove shampoo ine the shampoo category ? It's not easy as all P&G's brands of shampoo have already occupied unique positionings and here is the catch : position it in-between Vidal Sasson and Pantene by taking "professional" from Vidal Sassoon and "damage repair" from Pantene. The trouble is the link with Dove body wash is rather weak. Take a look at these two TVCs that are aired concurrently now and you'll know what I mean.


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