Gillette Fusion TVC

I want to open an discussion on whether it's something you would do. Usually other brand don't air an TVC to ask consumers to switch from its older model to the new one. They just phase out the older model quietly. You would appreciate the thinking behind this ad. My guess is that Gillette is no longer producing Mach 3 and fears that consumers may switch to other brands. That's why it comes up with such a call-to-action ad. The trouble is, in order to convince consumer to switch to the newer model, you will need to admit the older one is an inferior product. Do you want to say that ?


kc.har said…
The best defensive strategy is to have the courage to attack yourself. Constantly attacking it will strengthen positioning. Obsoleting the existing product wasn't a bad idea at all... Gillette are well known for such strategy. They have been using it for so long. That makes Gillette such a mature and strong brand. What do you say?
Louis Lau said…
I guess since they are ceasing the production of Mach 3, it has to remind Mach 3 users to switch to Fusion. These users will not able to buy Mach 3 replacement razers in the future. Better off do that as a responsible manufacturer.
kc.har said…
Wasn't that the whole idea, Louis? Gillette are trying to secure their market at first, secondly create new market demand as well... Consumer aren't able to buy replacement then they will try the new one... Responsible manufacture? Will Microsoft do the same thing? Will Intel do the same thing? If they would, they will never survive... Rite?
Louis Lau said…
Of course product innovation is important for every brand. New products come, old products go. Some brands launch new products and silently phase out the old, while in this case, Gillette uses a comparative approach against its own old product with an ad to ask consumers to switch to the new one. Hence the discussion.

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