McCafe TVC

The idea is like a taste challenge. It's asking you to try the Cuppacino of McCafe and you will find it as good tasting as Starbucks or Pacific Coffee. Priced at HK$12, it is sold as a value-for-money choice too (that's almost the same price as the normal coffee sold at tea meal house). Will McCafe be able to take some business from Starbucks and Pacific Coffee ? Starbucks and Pacific Coffee are not only selling coffees but also consumer experience. It's the relaxing environment for people to chit chat, read, surf the net and kill time. You just can't do that at McCafe as most of the outlets are connected to McDonald's that are always busy, crowded and noisy. So I suspect McCafe will just steal some grab-and-go consumers from Starbucks and Pacific Coffee.


Christine said…
also a right choice of celebrity - Chan Ho who has been well known as coffee lover in recent months.
Louis Lau said…
He's seen as a coffee lover just because he was the host of that program about coffee sponsored by Tsit Wing Coffee. Tsit Wing supplies coffee to McCafe as you can see the logo in the TVC. Everything is so well planned.
Joicee said…
Believe McCafe can hardly compete with SB or PC, thinking that just putting Moses in the screen can help to upgrade McCafe (believe it may help if the part of taste test is deleted - what a scene for detergents only); talking about the price cut - coffee lovers will just wonder if quality is really up to standard if it is only charging $12...
cathy said…
I don't think McCafe is going to compete with SB or PC. This ad is simiply providing a choice to price-sensitive consumers. People who need coffee every day, but not the expertize, will switch to McCafe. McCafe is just somewhere between Starbucks and local Cha Chann Teng.

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