McDonald's Made For You

Burgers are now freshly made rather than "made-to-stock" now at McDonald's. Is it trying to match up with those higher end burger places like Triple-O and Monster Burger ? The upside is each burger is fresh and hot but the downside is you have to wait. Efficiency is crucial for a high volume/low price fastfood restaurant like McDonald's while you don't want to keep your customers waiting too long. The experience wasn't too bad at all, even during busy lunch time as I only had to wait 2-3 minutes. That's what we call operations excellence.


wildcard said…
I think McDonald's is trying to kill three birds with one stone.
- They try to upgrade themselves against other fine burger joints (eg. MOS)
- Using this as the excuse for their slow service time
- Cut down on the number of staff in their kitchen
I prefer to "grad & go" when I go to McDonald's as they are trying to be what they aren't...
wildcard said…
I think McDonald's is trying to kill three birds with one stone.

- Upgrading themselves against other "fine" burger joints (eg. MOS burger)
- Using this as the excuse for their slow serving time
- Cut down the number of staff working in their kitchen

I prefer the "grab & go" style when I visit McDonald's and this move doesn't appeal to me at all...

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