Tempo TVC

I suspect sales of branded pocket tissues have been shrinking over the years due to the rise of the generic. Newsstands and convenience stores give pocket tissues away free, which adversely affects the sales of the branded tissues. While other brands have given up the market, the leader, Tempo, remains and keeps investing A&P and new product development. Can these new flavours sustain the business or even turn the situation around ? I doubt that but I also wonder whether there are other ways. Probably I'll milk it instead for several years of profits.


Anonymous said…
just a note Mr Lau.
Tempo is no longer P&G
Louis Lau said…
Thanks for correcting me. Yes, it was taken over SCA. Apologize for my ignorance.
Anonymous said…
i am quite impressed SCA still continues to advertise a lot. And most importantly, they have followed through the long established brand value.

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