Supor ad

When I saw this ad, I said to myself I must be getting old and dumb. I didn't understand this clever ad. It's selling non-stick pan alright but there is a creative idea which I found it hard to understand. I tried look at it closely, turn it upside down and even flipped a few pages of the magazine to look for follow-up explanation, presumably it's a teaser. None... I managed to figure it out after spending some more time on it... know what it's about ?


Anonymous said…
Louis Lau said…
Yes, I also spent a long while to figure that out. Any general reader would have skipped it.
AL said…
我覺得用釘整成的八爪魚好核突..見到八爪魚都唔想再食..沒有食慾..又怎會買個non-stick pan 呢?
queenietsoi said…
=0 原來係咁解~
D釘釘左落去既話就好難拔出來, 同用質素唔好既鑊煮食,D食物屑鏟極都鏟唔走既原理一樣。 好配服諗到呢個IDEA既人...!!!
Anonymous said…
thanks for explain ^^
Frankie said…
It looks like a typical scam ad. Perhaps you come from the client side, therefore you seldom watch such these adssss

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