Some quotes about branding

Have been working on a course about bradning. Seen a few quotes and would like to share with you :

"Every brand builder will face a million temptations to obscure, dilute, or confuse his or her brand message. These temptations fall under two general headings: boredom and the desire for growth." - David F. D'Alessandro, Brand Warfare

"What's your brand? If you can't answer that question about your own brand in two or three words, your brand's in trouble." - Al Ries

"Brand is the 'f' word of marketing. People swear by it, no one quite understands its significance and everybody would like to think they do it more often than they do" - Mark di Soma, Audacity Group

"Well-managed brands live on - only bad brand managers die." - George Bull

"Marketing is not selling. Marketing is building a brand in the mind of the prospect." - Al Ries & Laura Ries

Enjoy !


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