Star tutor

Hong Kong people are quick, responsive and opportunistic. This is reflected in the culture of advertising. Remember who first started the approach of tutor "idolization" to promoting tutorial schools ? 英皇教育 if I'm not wrong. Now that the market is flooded with advertising with the same approach. In Hong Kong, whenever a market of anything starts to grow, players will join the game all in a sudden and all of them tend to take the similar business model, air same look-&-feel ads and compete with big budgets. What will happen ? Market explosion and then quick contraction in a short while. Slimming houses, health food supplements (Lingzhi in particular), telecoms and beers (in the 90's) are all examples of such cycle. Whenever a market grows, new marketing positions are created. As in my case, I moved from traditional FMCG to beers, then to telecoms and then health food supplements when these categories were hot. In the case of the private/semi-private education sector, there are more marketing positions posted in jobsdb. Check it out if interested.
Let's talk more about the "idolization" phenomenon of tutorial schools tomorrow.


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