Gatsby 木村拓哉 TVCs

I bet you must have seen the Gatsby 木村拓哉 TVCs and talked about it somehow. In fact there are more versions from Japan (see below). When I first saw it, I said wow, 木村拓哉 on TV ! What's it about ? 木村拓哉's acting is very camp and the jingle is very strong to catch your attention. However, it doesn't tell you anything about the products at the end. So are these TVCs good ? I think the TVCs are successful in creating saliency and awareness for the brand and the products. Whether you can actually sell some products would depend on what you do in other communications channels. For example, we could complement the TVCs with print ads and POPs that spell out more information about the products, sales promotions to induce trials and so on. Then we will have an overall campaign that sells.

BTW, if you want to download the jingle to use as the ringtone of your phone, here is the link.


Unknown said…
I love your blog so much and almost visit it every days. Thanks for your sharing!

You have post a lot of example of misuse or overuse celebrity in your previous sharings, and I believe the Gatsby 木村拓哉 TVCs is another instance in HK market.

To HongKonger,木村拓哉 indeed was a very hot star in the past, but nowsdays he has less noise. The majority of fans of 木村拓哉 is female in 20s - 30s. and most importantly, 木村拓哉's image is not very "Man".

Yes, somebody will argue that "女性化”male stars, such as 李基準,are more and more popular, and more male tends to be "中性化“these days in Japan or Korea. But I believe it still not a well-accepted image for HK male majority.

It is unwise for Gatsby to just simply air the TVC targeted on Japanese in HK market. yes, Gatsby, or P&G, has money, but spend it carefully.
Louis Lau said…
Thanks so much for your support, Vanessana.

I agree with you that metrosexual is not really a trend in Hong Kong. But will it become a trend at last like Korea and Japan ? I'm a bit too old to predict whether the younger generations will accept it ...

Personally, I'm kind of tired of seeing the typical way of P&G in selling toiletry proiducts. Every ads are so similar and according to the same formula. At least these TVCs are different and at brand level, it should be able to create some saliency and project an image that Gatsby is a cult brand from Japan. It's always good to see new brands investing on challenging those big guys in such a small market of Hong Kong. Will it be sucessful ? Let's see and it's good to be an observer !
Unknown said…
Thanks Louis!

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