Brother printer ad

A picture is worth a thousand words. The key visual of this ad is quite attention grabbing but it is an impossible ad to understand. “咁都得” is the headline. Yes, we are smart enough to understand that clamping two soft toys together is a very difficult act and it’s almost a miracle if you can do it. But what key message is this ad trying to send ? I scratch my head. The strangest thing is that the body copies do not explain anything. 唉, 真係咁都得 ...


Anonymous said…
i think this ad is trying to capture the audience attention in the first place, the visual may not have much to do with the product that they are trying to sell, but, why not? as long as they are successful in capturing your attention and bring you the message that
"It is possible" then the job of the visual is done.
Louis Lau said…
Call me old school but a good print ad should have a viusal that conveys a message and grabs people's attention at the same time.
Nicolas said…
Is the second soft toys about the free scanner (is it a scanner?), when you buy one of those big printers? Buy a printer and get another piece of equipment for free?

I totally agree that the copy does not support the great visual well. Too bad.
Anonymous said…
This is what it means

Laser printer usually only prints out Black and White. But the new Brother printer prints colour too. Hence the visual of "catching" a bonus colourful toy

Still, it can be better executed of course
Louis Lau said…
Yes, this ad is just for clever people like you. Think that a good ad shouldn't be testing the intellect of the consumers, right ?

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