Strepsils Lozenges TVC

Season is changing. All sorts of flu related products are back in the advertising scene. There are basically two brands of sore throat lozenges competing with each other, Dequadin (得果定) and Strepsils (使立消). Between the two, I bet Strepsils has a bigger share of mind. First it has won by its Chinese brand name. 使立消 is a phonetic translation that carries the "fast relief" meaning whereas 得果定 is meaningless. Also, the advertising of Strepsils has been very consistent over many years. Basically its ads are all the same with some variations in executions from time to time. Rotating saw blade in the throat is a brilliant analogy that consumers can really associate with and it aids recall of the benefit of the product. It works, why change ?

P.S. We are organizing a program on marketing communications for FMCG on Dec 7. Check out the details of the program and enrolment.


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