Pedisure TVC

Critics believe that advertising has the power to shape social trends and the way people think and act while advertising professionals believe advertising mirrors values rather than sets them. Which argument is true ? Both are true. Look at this TVC of Pedisure. While we know balanced diet is important for children, many of them are picky eaters. What do we do ? It takes patience, time and training to adjust their behaviours. That's the proper way. Got no time and want a quick easy way out ? Here is Pedisure. If a problem can be solved with money, it's no longer a problem at all. That's exactly the value of Hong Kong people at large. This ad is trying to sell the product as a quick fix for time-starved parents who are unwilling to take the hard way to teach their children. It does have consumer insights and is a reflection of the reality. On the other hand, however, since parents can solve their problems the easy way, they no longer need to learn the hard way to treat their kids right. That's human nature. Advertising both influences and mirrors what people think and do.


irene827 said…
" 被大陸人瘋狂投訴的白癡廣告!難為這公司還是奧運贊助商!"
It's really a hilarious one! haha

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