
Japanese companies like adopting corporate branding approach to branding their products. That is, their corporate brands are applied across different product categories. Like 岡本, we know this brand for condoms stressing on thinness. Over time we see it launch different variants of condoms like the latest 0.03 Aloe. Alongside with this launch of new condom, it launches a range of pain-relieving wraps as well. Condoms and pain-relieving wraps are rather unrelated and such branding approach is related to the Japanese culture where Japanese consumers trust companies rather than brands as the entities.


Anonymous said…
What is your conclusion in here? Is it good to try the pain-relieving wraps?
Louis Lau said…
I haven't tried and it may work very well. I'm looking at in a branding perpective, not at its product performance.
WC said…
It is a good finding and study! I never seen a condom brand introduces the pain-relieving products, at least Durex don't do this! What is your comments between these two brands? Is it a good idea for a condom brand to introduce the healthy products? What is your comments about the celebrity they've chosen for their pain-relieving wraps?
Louis Lau said…
Durex extends from condoms to products related to fun in bed. Those are much more logical and consumers can asscoiate them with the brand. Applying a condom brand to health-related products is like applying a sanitary towel brand to washing powders. The association is way too weak. I don't have any particular comment about the celebrity chosen, that is a celebrity yoga instructor. It could be a right choice.

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