Canon TVC

The tone and manner of this ad is so Canon. At the beginning, I thought it was selling DC or photo printer again. Memories, happy faces, slices of life, all these imageries are associated with the use of digital photography. Yet it's selling the document/file retrieval of a new copier (I'm not too sure just by watching the TVC). I can't judge whether the message is clear as supposedly it targets business users for office use of this machine. The strange part is the ad is aired on TV where most of us wouldn't find it relevant.


Anonymous said…
i think people are not always focusing on the working part, so Cannon would like to introduce the selling point that they can find out the file in the date after you have the holiday or other vacations that excited you so much.

So working people no longer need to think of the work, they just need to scan the file, they can easily find them out later on, so they should put less worry on the working and enjoy their life, that's what i perceived. But the ad is quite interesting.

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