
The net seems running alright for now. Just can't imagine how life would be like if there is no blog, no MSN, no email, no Internet for a longer while...

灣仔碼頭 is relatively young brand created by a woman entrepreneur, 藏姑娘. There is a long story about how she struggled to develop the business and now the brand has already been acquired by General Mills. If you are a supermarket shopper like me, you must be aware of how the brand is expanded : line extensions. There are numerous flavours and types of 北京水餃 to expand shelf visibility and offer consumer choices. Its latest new line is a range of 廣東點心 like 雲吞, 燒賣, 糯米雞 and so on. They are obviously trying to stretch the brand. 灣仔碼頭 is a brand meaning 北京水餃, 北方風味. Why do they go into 廣東點心 which is occupied by 公仔 and 淘大 ? Sometimes it's sad to see a good brand being messed up with extensions and deviated from its focussed positioning.


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