HKET fan page

Ask yourself as a FB user or a user of any social media : under what circumstances would you share a page, a video or any news ? Either you find it useful or funny for others to enjoy. So in this case, if you don't find the HKET page useful, you just won't share it. Would such lucky draw boost the number of people sharing the page ? Some people may be attracted but I suspect most of us won't really bother. Try paying people to become a fan of your page ? You will need to pay more. LOL


AL said…
只要 "讚好" 就有機會贏取現金?
當然在某程度上會成功吸引了類似"海鮮團起錨行動" 的支持者去揾著so, 但同樣亦會失去專業人士對HKET的支持及信任........
Anonymous said…
I don't think so. As I think the lucky draw (and the prize) is just an incentive for motivation only. People won't join or share if they really don't like.

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