Disneyland Halloween TVC

Can you imagine using your precious A&P to advertise for your competitor ? Here is the TVC from Disneyland promoting its Halloween haunted adventure. Ocean Park owns Halloween with years of investment. Success doesn't come easy and it has the market-first advantage. There is a low chance that Disneyland will be able to steal share from Ocean Park by competing head-on with something similar. When I saw this TVC, I thought it must be Ocean Park. It just looks like a TVC it launched before. I guess Ocean Park should say thanks to Disneyland as this TVC actually reminds people to go to Ocean Park which is closer to town. Why do we go to Disneyland in Tung Chung that is far far away ? For the Mickey Mouse and the magical experience, of course. Disneyland doesn't have haunted adventure of Halloween in the mind of the consumers.


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