Yakault TVC

Yakault has got a new campaign going on. This is one of the TVCs. When an ad is so creative, I just don't know what I can say about it. It might be fun to watch but I just can't find the connection between the key message, i.e., 40 years of good health and the drama of a gangster meeting. I may be biased but this is the kind of storyboard I would have killed. Love to hear your views.


Anonymous said…
Can't agree more. No doubt it's witty and memorable... even my mom likes it and i've heard people talking about it ...well... i must say those are mostly people from the previous generation. Anyway, it's a different twist to the brand image created so far. The message about long heritage is outstanding but how significant is heritage for such a beverage product? Does it help reinforce the health image created so far? Would it help generate new usage?
Cara said…
I think this series of Yakult TV ads aim to deliver the message that this healthy drink is very precious 40yrs ago but now we should feel fortunate that it's a mass market product and very common. I agree that the message is not direct and clear in the ad, I need to watch more than 3 times before I get them.
HY said…
Used to discuss this with friends. Some think as it is fun and memorable, it works. No need to get into the trap of being a marketer, everything have to have a direct and absolute, solid reason. They thought the series helped to enhance its healthy image, as 40 years' history is no doubt of certain success. The nostalgic package design helps to awaken the emotional bonding of the adult who used to be a light to heavy user.

Personally, got a feeling that "Is reveling in our past really the way to move forward?" Emphasized how much more personal the relationship between brands and their public has become might mattered in a short run. However, reminding us of how good it was, how long it survived in the market doesn't really enlighten us to how good it will be....

What would you think?

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