Promise TV ad

Promise has been advertising quite heavily recently on TV. What do you think about this TV ad ? I think it's quite catchy. In fact, it provokes my thoughts about the grey areas that we have to face with as marketers. There are no definite balck and white in marketing as our job is to encourage consumption of our marketed products or services. Promise is in money lending business and it's their job to promote borrowing and there is no question about it. In the TV ad : people spend spend spend happily and then become short of money. No problem, Promise is here to help. It is completely relevant to borrowers who ususally run into the same situation like what is spelled out in the ad. The funny thing is that at the end of the ad, it says "you will need to evaluate your ability to pay back before you decide to borrow." Somehow it's a distored logic where people should have thought about whether they could afford to spend before they actually spend in the first place ! Of course if everyone does that, there would be no market for credit cards and loans. Marketing is about Consumerism, right ?


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