Oxy campaign

I do have my personal preference towards certain types of creative direction. Particularly I like those normally considered too over-the-top. In advertising, it's more dangerous to be safe. Why ? There are too many safe advertisers and you just can't be too safe. Otherwise, we will end up with similar creatives with our direct and indirect competitors. There is a term called "category imagery", usually found in cosmetics, shampoos and banking for e.g. It's safe to go take the category imagery path but it will be difficult to cut through and consumers will not be able to tell which brand is which.

It's great to see some advertisers are willing to take risks. This Oxy ad is taking a surreal/bizarre creative direction to grab our attention. Some bosses would have already banned this kind of stuff. Everything is well executed too. Two thumbs up.

Let's be more daring.


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