Mass Mutual Jr. Space Camp

This is quite an unique corporate image building initiative. Astronaut training is definitely an once-in-a-lifetime experience for the kids who are smart enough to win the chance to participate. It actually reminds me of the Cathay Pacific's "You Can Fly" program that also works in a similar way. Which one is a better program ? Well, both are good in its own right but what if we judge them based on image/positioning match ? "You Can Fly" is a program derived from what Cathay Pacific does and the association is strong. This Jr. Space Camp program, however, has a rather weak association with Mass Mutual, a lesser known insurance company compared with AIA, AXA and ING. In fact it is a perfect program for Mass Mutual to build a specialist image in children-related insurance and investment products (if it wants to). Apparently it has been running the same program for the last 7 years and too bad it hadn't leveraged on it.


Anonymous said…
There are two versions of this Ad, in my memories... another one is just got a sentence "It is Impossible" with space background and I totally to be under the impression that is the Ad for "adidas"...
葛佬 said…
Without regards to the quality of this ad, the slogan used in the series of the ad is quite annoying.
"It's possible!" "It's PPPPPossible!"
Damn, these force me to turn off the TV.

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