Visa TVC featuring Jackie Chan

Just saw this Visa TVC featuring Jackie Chan. Costly celebrity and expensive production. Although it's still the same old monkey act of Jackie Chan, no one would disagree that it's an enjoyable ad. Compared with Mastercard, I like Visa ads more. But why Mastercard and Visa invest so much money in advertising to compete with each other ? To consumers they are pretty much the same thing. It doesn't matter which card I use as almost all merchants accept both anyway. I keep both in my wallet and somehow I have the tendency of using my Visa more. Guess it must be the subliminal effect of advertising where emotional wins over rational. Does anyone know the share of mind and share of market between Mastercard and Visa ? Which one is bigger ?


Unknown said…
I could just find the data of Hong Kong market:
"Visa and MasterCard held a market share of 55% and 35% respectively over the Hong Kong credit card market. "
Louis Lau said…
Thanks for your information indeed.
Anonymous said…
Overall global stats is that VISA has a much bigger share than mastercard. Almost everywhere I would say according to my banking sources. Brand wise, doesn't make quite a diff.

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