HSBC TVC featuring 詹端文

One of the readers asked what I think about the latest TVC featuring 詹端文. Too bad I couldn't find this TVC but it's alright. We can still talk about it. First of all, I have to say the execution is good and the key message is clear : we have different needs at the different stage of life and HSBC is here to support you. A testimonial approach is used with 詹端文 telling us his different needs. The overall feeling is warm and touching. It focuses on image building rather than selling what its wealth management is about. The problem is that this "every stage of life" proposition has been used by many banks although spokespersons, creative and execution are different. Remember there was an ad from Hang Seng featuring 李麗珊 ? It was also about wealth management and I can still recall something like "養大個仔要成四, 五百萬" ...


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