Fat Out 800

見到D瘦身產品廣告, 又忍唔住寫中文, 今次仲越作越離譜, 唔止, 係離奇, 呢隻嘢話可以reset大腦肥胖記憶, 瘦身唔駛節食! 哈, 唔知大腦肥胖記憶喺邊處? 究竟喺左腦定係右腦? 我淨係知道食D嘢落肚, 只會痾番出嚟, 乜會上腦ga咩? 唔通係K仔? 作都作得科學化D, 每盒HK$538, 信者得救!


Anonymous said…
HAHA !! Brainwash, what a joke !! Do you think slimming is still as popular as before? Or has slimming already been one of our daily goals/routines.
Louis Lau said…
I think the need for weight management is still there. Just that more people disbelieve the magic cliams by these slimming pills and stuff, thanks to the continuous education by the government and the consumer council about the proper way of weight management. Diet and exercing.

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