3M Command 無痕掛鈎 print ad

Amongst other print ads, the production value of this 3M Command 無痕掛鈎 print ad is quite high. All the sets and props are quite costly for a single shot like this. We often shoot this kind of costly shot together with a TVC production but strange that I wasn't aware of any TVC related to this print campaign.


Anonymous said…
In fact the tagline is 掛野又唔想整爛牆.......
Louis Lau said…
Thanks for correcting me. I need to see a doctor. In fact I saw an eye specialist today and he said my left eye is suffering from degeneration due to ageing.
Anonymous said…
I actually doubt that they had the whole setup just for this printad. Retouching would be my guess.
Louis Lau said…
Yes that could be the case.

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