Dentiste' Plus White

Long time no talk about creative execution. This is an example of using "slice of life" in advertising where you pick a scenario in real life, give it a bit of exaggeration of the problem and highlight the fact that your product is the solution. In this case, the idea is the embarrassing moment because of bad breathe. Along this line of thoughts, we can think of loads of embarrassing scenarios due to bad breathe but the key is to pick the slice of life that is most relevant and associative to the target audience. Look, this scenario is not relevant to older, more mature couples who are married long enough. They don't really care any more !


Anonymous said…
Don't you think that the product is quite useless? No matter how good an ad, it can't help. Though I understand that "usefulness" is very personal.
Louis Lau said…
Never try this product and so I'm not sure if it is useful. We may argue though there are so many alternatives for killing bad breathe and it's not unique.

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