Smartone HomePhone+

There is quite a sizable campaign about the new HomePhone+ service from Smartone. The headline was a bit confusing as I doubt why Smartone would get into the stagnant fixed line phone market. Just checked out its website and it seems that it's not fixed line phone service per se. It's sort of like "mobile phone for home use" service as said on its website :
"HomePhone+ redefines fixed-line service in Hong Kong and presents a significantly improved home phone experience with innovative wireless technology, integrated network, homezone service and device, to offer greater ease of use, convenience and flexibility."
The service is location dependent and you can enjoy this service only if you live in the right area. With an all-inclusive fee at HK$118 for so many features (especially lower IDD rates and free IP calls), it may attract certain consumers to switch to Smartone. But still I wonder why Smartone would get into the not-so-profitable home phone service market.


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