
Some of the services of PCCW make you wonder whether they will sell at all. Like the EYE fixed line multi-media service, it is innovative for sure but who would use it ? Yet, one service that makes sense to me is Moov, the online jukebox service. Since the rise of MP3 and the Internet, the sales of CDs has been on the way down. Some record companies attempted to sell per song download before but have come without much success. The fact is record companies are no longer making money from selling songs but from concerts and shows. The more people have listen to their songs, the higher the chance they have for filling up the stadium and getting some humble profits. And what about online jukebox ? Would record companies make a fortune out of the tie-up with Moov ? Probably not. The monthly fee is as low as HK$48 and at the end there isn't too much money on the table to share. It's just a way to increase listenership for their songs and gaining exposures for their singers like the radio. There are some revenues but it can never make up the loss from CD sales of the past.


Anonymous said…
As i know that the Moov is use mobile services and broadban service as a paltform to broadcast the song but the limitation is just for audience to listen only and unable to save as a music file. i think it is the weakness of the moov services.
Louis Lau said…
That's exactly what it is. Jukebox.
Anonymous said…
As i know that the Moov services is use mobile,EYE-phone and internet as a platform to broadcast the songs but the limitation of the services only allow audience to listen and unable to download and save the song as a music file. Even the Moov has some weakness, the latest songs and MTV are the unique selling point for the young generation. On the other hand, i can't help but wonder whether this value-add services could really gain market share in telecom field? It is because nowadays the teenager are get used to download the free song on internet. The unique value-add services really play an important role to the product or brand??
Louis Lau said…
Yes the downside is that you can't download and save the songs. But I suspect it is generating some revenues for PCCW. Otherwise, it wouldn't put that kind of advertising money behind it for that long.

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