Pizza Hut name change

A friend sent me the following piece of news. I can only say that there are stupid branding strategies everywhere. It is the stupidest thing on earth to move away from your brand franchise, what you stand for. Yes, consumers are getting more health conscious for sure. The simplest way out is to add more healthy options to the menu. Really want to diversify into pasta restaurant business ? You can always open restaurants in a different name. It is almost common sense ...

(明報)10月8日 星期三 05:05【明報專訊】家喻戶曉的Pizza Hut一夜之間大變臉!為塑造健康形象,1973年在英國開業的英國Pizza Hut連鎖店,將會改名為Pasta Hut,由薄餅店變成麵條店。今後除了薄餅之外,該店將會更注重意粉等健康食物,老闆說,有信心兩星期內,意粉等銷量可大增,佔銷售額的一成。英國試行 旨吸引高消費客「我們一直想令我們的食物更多元健康,而不是只提供高卡路里食物」,Pizza Hut老闆默多克(Alasdair Murdoch)說:「我們要告訴消費者,我們不僅精於薄餅,還擅於做沙律和意粉。」過去意粉銷售份額只佔Pizza Hut全部銷售額的3%至4%,默多克稱有信心數字於兩周內就會升至10%。這次改名,是英國Pizza Hut耗資1800萬鎊(約2.4億港元)改頭換面行動的一部分,目的旨在吸引高消費階層及新顧客。Pasta Hut更新了菜單,提供多種的菜餚,例如番茄、大蝦、小龍蝦等,也會減少使用鹽和飽和脂肪,又為兒童準備了「內藏蔬菜」的特別餐;一向受歡迎的「沙律吧」則大升級。默多克說:「我相信人們會喜歡全新的店。」目前,英國的Pizza Hut連鎖店改名尚屬試驗階段,公司甚為期望得知消費者的意見,以考慮是否進一步推廣至全球其他分店。不過,也有消費者認為,這次改名不過是「厚顏無恥的宣傳伎倆」,全無必要。


Anonymous said…
i think this would be a waste of money to have a big change, we can see the sales of the pasta, is just about 3-4%, they rather to boost the small part of the company rather than to enhance the main part, Pizza, it's a little bit crazy.

Nothing to say!! Maybe it is just to get attention from people. HAHA

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