McDonald's Coke glass promotion

Congratulations to the one who came up with this promotion. It has been receiving very favourable response. Maybe it's because the glass is given away free upon super-sizing value meal. I bet Coke must have sponsored all or part of the cost of the glasses but it's a win-win definitely. McDonald's can drive some additional revenues on one hand (without using the boring Hello Kitty this time round). Coke can promote the classic cola brand image on the other. Heard that some colours have run out of stocks already. Have you got one yet ?


Joicee said…
agree! simple and straight to the point, just stay with the brand itself. Hope the local team can keep on this right track and not to do something to kill the brand only because they "have to do something", haha!
Louis Lau said…
Yes, Coke and MCD is much better match than Hello Kitty and MCD.

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